“Echoes of Misery” is a psychological horror comic/graphic novel centering around a young woman’s descent into mental illness and alcoholism. Isolated in semi-lockdown, Amelia has lost her job and motivation. Her only contacts (aside from the man at the liquor store) are her long-suffering boyfriend Ben and her abrasive landlady Eileen. As she spirals further, her hair begins falling out, her apartment and relationships degrade into chaos, and she can no longer distinguish what is real from what isn’t. The precariousness of Amelia’s mental state allows for her dark doppelganger to take over, risking the few things she has left in her life. Will she be able to overcome the darkness within, or lose everything she has left?
Exhibited at SVA Chelsea Gallery 2021
Included in “Sequential Synergy” at 440 Gallery, Brooklyn, New York (July 2022)
Shortlisted for Communication Arts 2022
Awarded a Merit Award in 3x3 Annual 19
“Faceless” is a series of comics depicting Sylvia and Izze, two young women who find themselves moving from a small suburb to a major city. Objects can represent so many things, and when we move we find ourselves amongst new surroundings. This project also explores the meaningfulness of certain objects, what objects and possessions can represent, and how to break free from some of these tethers we unconsciously bind ourselves to.
Selections are shown here.
Dreamwork is a wordless graphic novel illustrating the occasionally torturous nature of the creative process.
Produced under Viktor Koen and SVA MFA Illustration as Visual Essay, 2019-2020
Selected pages shown here.